Monster Media 1995 #11
Monster Media No. 11 (Second Quarter 1995)(Monster Media, Inc.).ISO
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File List
47 lines
4CATS.ZIP 159213 04/29/95 [00] Starts off on a little kitty then morphs
+into 3 other cats.
ABD95INV.ZIP 211462 05/07/95 [00] Abduction Party '95 - Intro.
ACME_BIG.ZIP 671936 04/23/95 [00] Big Deal - X'95 Party demo.
AC_EXPR.ZIP 567372 04/23/95 [00] Expression - X'95 demo.
AEPPELBO.ZIP 30809 04/26/95 [00] Creation intro released at VC '95!
AUSGEBUR.ZIP 49050 04/14/95 [00] Ausgeburt Intro - By Xenogenesis.
BBZDEMO.ZIP 347503 04/22/95 [00] BBZ Demo.
CAT_GIRL.ZIP 657171 05/25/95 [00] Animation .AVI file of a cat face morphing
+into a models face.
CRAP_3D.ZIP 215395 04/24/95 [00] Stupid demo wearing no name.
CRASHMIG.ZIP 463505 04/26/95 [00] Animation Demo .AVI of a Mig jet crashing to
+a song from the NEW Mig Sa'les Never- Again
CYC1.ZIP 275739 05/23/95 [00] FLI of a tricycle pedaling w/a spotlight on
ENVY.ZIP 55941 04/30/95 [00] X'95 INTRO - STO.
EXITMINE.ZIP 899676 04/30/95 [00] FLI - 65 frames of a really wild animation
+from descent when you exit the mine that I
FR_DEBUT.ZIP 51998 05/01/95 [00] Intro: Debut by FracTion.
GOEASTER.ZIP 308296 04/14/95 [00] Go Easter for naid'95.
IMG_ANCR.ZIP 507868 04/23/95 [00] Ancient Routines. Demo.
MAPLE_DZ.ZIP 51398 04/14/95 [00] Intro: Maple by DarkZone.
MASS_ULT.ZIP 322646 04/23/95 [00] Ultimate Possibilities.
MC3INTRO.ZIP 876066 04/27/95 [00] Music Contest ]i[ Intro. The Official Mc3
+Intro, with Gus, Sb and Pas support.
MORPHIA.ZIP 350561 04/16/95 [00] Demo-competition(pc) Bit Killers.
NBIRD31.ZIP 104712 04/20/95 [00] Night Bird v3.1. 3D animation of a white
+bird flying endlessly over a field of trees
+and colorful points of light.
NO_GUS.ZIP 303437 04/23/95 [00] Second Dwhurl competed at the demo
P_DEADL.ZIP 100050 04/19/95 [00] DEMO: Deadline by Purple.
ROBDE.ZIP 18736 05/06/95 [00] Neat robot exploading. Raytraced.
SPINTRO.ZIP 73369 06/16/95 [00] Spintro - Colorful little intro.
SPRING_.ZIP 3728 05/13/95 [00] Intro: Winning X'95 Intro.
STARS3D.ZIP 392832 06/13/95 [00] Animation which depicts a view of the
+instellar neighborhood surrounding the Sun
+out to 6 parsecs or 19.56 light years.
TMT_BLDN.ZIP 85429 05/07/95 [00] Intro: Beter laat dan nooit.
UNTITLED.ZIP 849313 05/23/95 [00] A Dust-Production. Demo for The Party III.
VAL_FMF.ZIP 127810 05/11/95 [00] Valhalla presents Fluid Motion.
W95INV10.ZIP 21171 05/30/95 [00] Intro: Wired'95 Invitation.
WIZINTRO.ZIP 107650 05/07/95 [00] Fantastic new multimedia experience Eye and
+Ear candy original from WizWare.